BRIO has a simple philosophy: Education and sound advice pave the way to publishing success. Based on this philosophy, BRIO has thrived. In the past five years, the publishing company has guided numerous authors through editing, design, print layout, and material distribution. "We think of ourselves as the light in an otherwise dark and unfamiliar place," said Reynolds. "BRIO allows first-time authors to enjoy the accomplishment of being published without intimidation and stress."
Now, BRIO is making another change -- the inclusion of marketing and public relations. BRIO will assist its authors with marketing techniques and media outreach such as book signings, media reviews, and tactics to handle the press during an interview. This ensures an author is confident with the public perception of their work.
Examples of successful BRIO publications include "Raising Brandon": a mother's battle to ensure her autistic son can live independently. The book gives parents tools to help their children overcome everyday challenges associated with autism. "Our Undiscovered Universe: Introducing Null Physics" discusses why the universe exists and what it is made of at the smallest levels.
So if you have a story to tell, make sure to contact BRIO because it is publishing made simple.
Website: http://www.brioprint.com/
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