"Hear Us Roar!" is an auto-biographical collection of stories from women around the globe that celebrate the vitality, strength and power they realized as a result of their experiences during the most challenging moments in their lives.
The goal of the "Hear Us Roar!" project is to collect stories from 100 women by July 31, 2008, publish them in a book by the end of the year, and raise $100,000 from book sales to be donated to charity by June 2009. The first 25 stories that are contributed will qualify to be entered into a "Hear Us Roar!" grant drawing. Every woman is invited to share their story via the website at http://www.hear-us-roar.com/.
Andrea Howe, a founding member of the "Hear Us Roar!" project, says "Even while women are making remarkable strides in the world to fully step into our natural leadership role--as Moms, Best Girlfriends, Politicians, CEOs, and everything else in between, we still diminish and under-represent our abilities and accomplishments. This is an opportunity for women to stand in our power and contribute to the world by letting ourselves be known as generous leaders whose sharing transforms lives."
"Hear Us Roar!" is a project created by a small and mighty group of entrepreneurial women living throughout the U.S. They receive their inspiration from Margaret Mead, the famous anthropologist who said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
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