If you are an eBook author selling your own eBooks, or you are selling eBooks written by someone else, are you taking advantage of all the available places you can market your eBooks online?
You do not even NEED to be an author. You might be someone who finds a problem a group of people have and then find what are known as Private Label Rights (PLR) to solve their problem.
You simply buy the right to publish the content that someone else has written and allows you, in most cases, to use as is or edit and publish as your own.
These days, actually writing an eBook and putting up your sales page is only half the battle. The way to maximise your sales is to make sure your book is shown on as many sites as possible as well as your own. Most eBook authors will know about Clickbank (one of the most popular arenas for selling eBooks online) and there are a few other well known places. But if you are to be truly successful selling eBooks, you need to stay ahead of your competition. You really need to be researching the latest and little known places to sell your eBooks. Do not consider places like EBay because people sell books there for cents sometimes! Why is this important? To get the bet sales for your ebooks you need to be one step ahead of your competitors.
People are flooding onto the internet each and every day and it will continue.
What are they looking for?
Information! These are the people you need to be chasing as EBook authors. They are already looking for something. OK, so you have an ebook to sell with content that is really hot and that you know people want to buy. How are they going to find you or indeed you find them?
Have you heard about publishing in digital text on dedicated readers?
Digital text is text that exists in a "digital" electronic format which anyone can read on a computer or one of the new digital reading devices available today.. This can include plain text files (.txt) and word processor files (.doc), among others. You can even use graphics in .GIF, .PNG, .BMP, and .JPG formats.
I would recommend you explore the stand alone digital reading devices out there as some of them do not allow people to download your book to a computer where it could be printed and given to others without payment to you. You can make your income stream that little bit more secure.
You have access today, yes right now even if it is two am in the morning to start publishing your eBook to millions of potential customers, and the remarkable thing is how easy it is to do. Oh, and it is usually not going to cost you anything to publish either!! There is no need to go to the expense of getting an ISBN number.
A friend of mine has had absolute nightmares with a publishing company and feels he is not in control of his own book. They even wanted to heavily edit a lot of it. He can now take that control back and so can you.
About the Author:
If you want to discover one of the latest and hottest places for selling eBooks online, discover what clever eBook authors are doing here ... http://www.kindleprofitsecrets.com/
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