"If your workload is slow due to economic changes, there are several things you can do right now as a self-published author to build buzz, sell books online and grow," says Exler. Here are her tips:
* Enter Writing Contests.
There are numerous contests going on at various times of the year for self-published authors. To start, conduct an online search for "writing contests." Here are a few to start with:
You'll get some great exposure if you win. And even if you don't, the contest will give you time to practice and upgrade your writing skills.
* Share Your Personal Experiences and Tips to Sell Books Online.
If you are struggling with economic conditions, share your personal experiences and tips with others via blog entries, social media sites and more. Also, contact various publications and ask to write articles and blog entries at no charge.
You can obtain free publicity and help other self-published authors get through their current career and financial problems.
* Take a Class or Teach Other Self-Published Authors.
With a slower schedule, it may be the perfect time to take a writing or business course to improve your skills. Check your local community center, college, library, and various business associations for educational programs.
You'll improve your writing, meet new friends and learn valuable tips to help boost your attitude and career. And if you can't find a class, offer to teach one. Focus on your area of expertise and share your knowledge with others.
* Network.
Just because things are slow, it's not the time to reduce your networking efforts. In fact, start attending more events and meetings. You'll learn new things, meet interesting people and talk to other writers who can help you discover self-publishing opportunities you may not find on your own.
"Instead of waiting for things to change, use this down-time to prepare for the future," says Exler. "Share your experiences, improve your skills, meet other self-published authors, and enjoy new hobbies. You'll have a more positive attitude, sell more books online and see things start to move in a better direction filled with hope and opportunity!"
For more information, to buy self-published books, sell books online, and claim your exclusive, no-cost eReport, "The Top 5 Ways to Get Free Publicity for Your Self-Published Book Now," visit http://www.jexbo.com/.
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This absolutely going to be our problem and the next generation, my daughter’s generation will be most affected. Dr. Sylvia Earle says we have 10-15 years at most to do concrete and large things to change the course of our oceans. Or it will be too late. Those are very scary words to hear if you actually listen to what she’s saying.
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