Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wheatmark Continues to Boost Author Success with New Publishing Packages

Wheatmark, Inc., ( an industry-leading self-publishing company, has launched several new publishing packages created to help authors better angle their marketing efforts to the best possible niche. By tailoring their marketing, authors will likely sell more books than they would otherwise.

The packages are all genre-specific, including Fiction, Nonfiction, Professional, Poetry, and Color Children's Book packages. Each package has been developed to give the best possible support for each genre. As part of the new package launch, each package will also have a marketing analysis completed with sign up.

The marketing analysis, created by Wheatmark to give authors a clearer picture of their chances in the market place, is one of the many things that puts Wheatmark on a pedestal over other publishing services companies.

Each marketing analysis will be individually researched by a book marketing expert and the author will receive a detailed report.

For the month of April, Wheatmark will also offer free consultation to authors looking to publish their books and will also be providing their marketing workbook for free on their website.

For writers that have always wanted to publish their book, but found all the elements overwhelming, now is the time to sign up with Wheatmark. The unparalleled customer service, continued author education on book marketing, and now the specialized packages--including the marketing analysis--will get writers started on the path to being successful, published authors.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Each marketing analysis will be individually researched by a book marketing expert and the author will receive a detailed self publishing report.