Monday, June 15, 2009

Free eBooks for Amazon Kindle Owners

The average electronic Kindle book from Amazon costs roughly $10 per title. While approximately half the price of their paperback counterparts that still adds up to $240 annually for a regular reader (2 books per month). And that's no chump change in this economy.

Fortunately, Paradise Publishers Inc, owners/operators of the popular website,, has translated their library to the Kindle friendly .PRC (Mobi) format. Thousands of titles are now available for free download ranging in categories from fiction, business, health and more. Kindle owners will have the freedom to download unlimited titles from including classics such as Tolstoy's 'War and Peace', Donald Trump's 'Strategies for Real Estate', and even romance such as D.H. Lawrence's 'Lady Cahtterley's Lover' at no charge.

Research revealed that Amazon may have sold over 500,000 Kindle reading devices in 2008; more than a previous estimate of 380,000. And if Amazon hadn't run short on Kindles in November, it could have potentially sold 750,000. Amazon's all-in Kindle revenue could reach $1.4 billion in 2010, or exceed an impressive 4% of Amazon's revenue that year demonstrating a growing rise in the popularity of electronic books. This means that Amazon could sell 1 million Kindles in 2009 and 3.5 million in 2010.

An average 948 new sign-ups per day has grown's current membership base to nearly half a million members to date. "While thrilled with current growth, we're tremendously excited to now open our doors to an additional 3.5 million potential (Kindle) users," states Nicolas Gremion, CEO of Paradise Publishers Inc. Today, the company continues the planning of a 'mobile replica' to which will allow Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone and other mobile members to download books directly through mobile internet connections. "We anticipate these (mobile) projects to greatly increase the number of books downloaded from our site, which at present average over 10,000 downloads per day," concluded Mr. Gremion.

About Paradise Publishers Inc. ( Often called "The People's Publisher", the company is on a mission to help spread your message or story throughout the globe using the power of the internet. Their addition of mobile websites will enable a rapidly growing number of hungry users worldwide to access your works.


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