The book includes what most radio websites fail to do - provide the theme of each show and guest criteria. It also provides the host's opinion of the best and worst guest, the preferred method of contact, what potential guests should do if there is no response and how they determine who gets invited back.
Both Internet and terrestrial shows are featured in 40 categories, along with contact information for more than 80 top radio shows not included in the categories. The list is based upon Talkers Magazine's Heavy Hundred and from its top 101-250 -- everyone from #2 Sean Hannity to Mike Malloy. (Rush Limbaugh, #1, is not included because he does not have guests). The Appendix contains three articles, "33 Radio Interview Tips" by book marketing expert and book publicist Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications; "Top 10 Telephone Tips" by Joe Sabah; and "Getting Invited Back" by Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski.
An Authors Access reviewer says: "Imagine being able to sit down with a coffee and discuss with hundreds of radio hosts what kind of guests they'd like to book. You can do just that with Francine Silverman's new book Talk Radio Wants You: An Intimate Guide to 700 Shows and How to Get Invited. I have paid $300 or more for talk radio show databases that had far less information than Francine presents in her highly-competitively priced book"
A discount is available by ordering directly from the author. http://www.talkradioadvocate.com/
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