Monday, August 3, 2009

Chicago Writer Bryan Alaspa Releases Free Novel for eBook Fans

Chicago native and author Bryan W. Alaspa has been a proponent of electronic books from the start of his professional career. With the advent and increased popularity of e-Book readers such as Kindle and the Sony reader and the increased proliferation of smartphones and other devices that allow for e-Book reading, he had decided to release a novel, for free, for those using such devices. The novel, titled "Gone," will only be available via download at the website

"I have found that e-Book publishers have been the most receptive to my work from the beginning," said Mr. Alaspa. "I have been a fan of e-Books for a long time and I am just glad to see that they are finally starting to catch on in the mainstream. It just means that fans of reading can carry an entire library with them instead of having to lug around hundreds of books. So, as a treat for those who have embraced this medium as much as I have, I wanted to make this available to them and available to them for free." makes their books available for download for all of the available e-Book readers, such as's Kindle. However, it also uses the epub format that makes the downloads available for smartphones such as the iPhone and the G1.
"I just recently joined the smartphone crowd with the purchase of a G1 phone," adds Mr. Alaspa. "I was giddy to find out I could download hundreds of books on a device I could hold in one hand. So, I had to make one of my books available for others who were like me."

"Gone" is a horror novel written by Mr. Alaspa about a year ago. It tells the terrifying tale of a group of friends who work at a company and are on a weekend retreat. When the group wakes up in the morning to find one of their number is missing, the terror begins. This is the second work of horror that Mr. Alaspa has written, with "Rig" being the first and that was released in print in 2008.

Those interested in the book can visit the website They can download the books there or download them using apps available for smartphones such as the iPhone or G1.

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