(href=""> is a valuable new venue available to help authors acquaint the reading public with their literary work. Videos, audios, pictures and interesting narratives of the authors and their books are the mediums used to provide exciting presentation of their creative work. provides its visitors an experience akin to a cyber visit in their own home by their favorite author. Both well know authors and exciting new talent are featured side by side on You get to hear and see new talent like Stephenie Meyer and seasoned author Stephen King talk about their books along with up and coming authors of books like Hulagu’s Web take their turn on the cyber stage. The site features hand picked exciting talent that include notables like writer Gwynne Forster, James Patterson, Khaled Hosseini and many others.
When asked what prompted the creation of this new web property, Stacie Hearne, President of stated: "I felt America needed to hear and see these exciting authors talk about their stories. Our venue gives them a platform to interface with the reading public and add their voice to their creation. These authors need to be seen and heard and I'm most excited that I have a hand in helping them get a bit more of the credit that their tremendous talent deserves."
Hearne when on to say, "Who else would be more qualified to portray the real voice of their work, than the actual author? Their passion and energy poured into their masterpieces is even more evident when you see and hear them talk about their books." will be looking for new authors to feature on the site and will be working with publishers, PR people, book agents and independents to find more literary gems. Hearne said, "For this new venue we don’t care what the literary critics say, we care what the public wants and what is exciting and timely." We will be supporting the Independent and Self Publishers who have lately become the most prolific producers of the best literature available. The archaic bureaucratic and political process of traditional publishers appears to have curtailed their ability to find and recognize new literary talent. This is really not a new problem because authors like Vince Flynn, Zane Grey, John Grisham, James Joyce, Deepak Chopra to name a few had to rely on independents and self publishing to launch their writing career because traditional publishers failed to recognize their literary excellence. If it was not for the independent publishers and self publishers, society would not have enjoyed those authors and many other great authors of today. That is why we will be seeking and welcoming authors from all publishing venues. Books on will be judged on their merits and not on the publishers name."
When asked what her predictions were for the new venue for authors, she said, "If this web property succeeds it will be the result of the excitement that these authors bring to the public and the reader’s thirst to know more about the person behind the book."
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