Kevin Glennon has created guerrilla and viral campaigns for IKEA and Barack Obama, and now he's using those same techniques to get his first book published.
Normally a new author would have to write perhaps hundreds of letters to get the attention of a book publisher. The advent of social media and other online options, however, has opened up communications channels that simply didn't exist just a few years ago, and Glennon is a pioneer in these areas. In an age where "green" is an important term to many, Glennon's guerrilla efforts are both environmentally-friendly as well as effective from a targeted marketing perspective.
"I want to connect with publishers who understand the future of communications," noted Glennon. "There are publishers out there who read their news online and use email more than their local post office. The best way to reach them, naturally, is online."
Glennon published a web site and blog for his book, and has created accounts on popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The fictional efforts are written from the perspective of the lead character of Glennon's book, "Vikings, Vampires, and Mailmen."
"Millions of people use social media sites to stay in touch with their friends and co-workers," said Glennon. "What's important to note with publishing, television, and filmmaking is that social media sites are the future for staying in touch with fans. In-between book releases and television seasons, the use of fictional social media accounts keeps fans in on the action and provides significant value."
Glennon cites as examples of the extension of traditional programming and publishing the many television programs that use web sites and mobisodes to deliver additional content to viewers. Broadcasters like NBC use online video to extend the content of their shows. For example, not only are episodes of the hit show "Lost" online, there are additional online videos available to tease viewers and offer additional content they wouldn't have seen by watching the show only via their traditional television sets.
"My book hasn't been published yet, and already I'm receiving fan mail," said Glennon.
The web site for Glennon's book is:
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