Readdle today announces BookReader 1.0, a stylish e-book reader for iPhone and iPod touch. BookReader lets people read digital books from their collections like the paper ones. It opens TXT, FB2, RTF, EPUB, HTML, and PDF e-books that could be copied from reader's computer to the iPhone as well as searches and downloads books from Project Gutenberg. BookReader has number of small handy functions like animated page flipping, night mode for reading in the dark, and more.
BookReader has number of small handy functions like animated page flipping, night mode for reading in the dark, locking book orientation and adjustable text size. It also provides everything that people need to quickly navigate through the book: configurable bookmarks, full text search and fast scroll slider. It's very natural to read e-books with BookReader.
BookReader is designed to work with non DRM protected e-books in TXT, FB2, RTF, HTML, EPUB and PDF formats. eReader, iSilo, MobiPocket, Kindle, Plucker e-books are not supported. Also, people who don't have wireless connection between their Mac or PC and iPhone could transfer their e-book to BookReader using USB cable and ReaddleWire software available at Readdle's web site.
Readdle: http://readdle.com/
BookReader 1.0: http://readdle.com/products/bookreader
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