The Step-By-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit: Start Your Own Home-Based Publishing Company and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book With CreateSpace and Amazon by Christy Pinheiro and Nick Russell provides readers with information on how to effectively self-publish.
According to the Bowker Books In Print database, for the first time, the number of print on-demand books has exceeded those being published by traditional publishers. But how does self-publishing work, and how can it be a smart and profitable choice for those wanting to see their writing in print? Publishing experts Pinheiro and Russell aim to share the ins and outs of the publishing business in The Step-By-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit.
This guide works to show readers how to self-publish their book, list it on Amazon.com and promote it completely online, all without the expense of inventory or pricey writing services. The book also includes contributions from well-known, published authors who are experts on how to focus on niche markets in order to maximize self-publishing profts. Says Aaron Shepard, author of Aiming at Amazon, "This is a fine book for self-publishers set to take advantage of today's best entry to self-publishing."
The Step-By-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit: Start Your Own Home-Based Publishing Company and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book With CreateSpace and Amazon is available for sale online at Amazon.com and other channels.
Web: http://www.stepbystepselfpublishing.net/
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