Sunday, July 11, 2010

Writing an E-Book to Make Money by Lance Winslow

Indeed, just about every American has at one time considered writing a book about something. Obviously, there are millions of books published, and you can tell just by going to your local library, or going to one of the large bookstores. There are books everywhere, and even in the future as electronic books become more popular and e-book readers become the way of the future, there will still be plenty of people who will want to have their say and put their thoughts into words.

Then, there are folks that don't really care much or have a passion for what they write about, rather they are writing books to make money. They realize that perhaps they don't have the literary background to secure a publisher to create a real book, nor do they have time to chase down the fewer and fewer remaining publishers to help them produce their work.

They'd rather create a book using electronic methods, using the word processing tools on their computer. Not long ago, an acquaintance of mine from Australia said she wanted to write an e-book, and she needed to finish it fast and start selling it within the coming months, because she didn't want to lose her home, and this was her idea to make money.

Not to crush anyone's dream, but writing an e-book to make money and then selling it online, may not be the way to go, most people don't make very much money selling e-books, if you don't have the passion; it is less likely to make any money.

Therefore, I told her; "Why don't you get a job? I do not see how you are going to make money with this eBook you are creating. I mean have you made any money doing this eBook Marketing at all? It doesn't make any sense to me, I mostly see a bunch of scam artists out there promising the world trying to con suckers into buying garbage eBooks. Why would you wish to be anywhere near them?"

Perhaps, my advice to you is that if you create an eBook then needs to be something of value. What I find is far too many people are creating e-books that are less than 10,000 words, hardly a book, and then selling them for $39.95 online telling other people how to create and sell e-books or how to market on the Internet to unsuspecting customers.

Personally, I am alarmed at the number of people who write e-books to sell to article marketers and other Internet marketers, because in a way they are enabling them, and a good many of the marketers online are not ethical. And although a few are legitimate, I am quite certain, these e-book writers do not seem to be worried that they will be assisting less-than-ethicals who are selling fraudulent stuff online. Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes inn ethical writing, eBooks included.


Melanie Walsh said...

Great post, Brian! If you're writing for the sole objective of making money/getting rich, then I think you've missed the essence of being a writer, which is a passionate pursuit ie you love the journey/process.
If success/fame should happen subsequently, then that should be seen as a bonus, in my/our view.

Association of Independent Authors (AiA)

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