"Fast and Furious Book Promotion" shows authors how to dynamically and successfully promote their books online -- using blogs, articles, press releases, social networking and many other tools. With Daviss fail-safe system, any author can learn how to publish a book and reach ultimate success in promoting their project. Davis takes you through the process of building your book promotion plan, with all the necessary tips and tools authors need today to get the word out about their books.
Participants on this Teleseminar can gain the insight of Daviss expertise in self-publishing and promotion, as he takes your questions on how to publish, promote, and profit from your book in this digital age. Learn how and why online promotion is essential to your books success, as well as the most important promotional activities to help you attain your goal. Find out more about how self-publishing can be an excellent career boost for any writer - a viable medium which allows authors to publish with freedom of choice. Representation by established mainstream publishers is no longer the only path to literary success in todays electronically-driven world.
This Teleseminar kicks off the Virtual Book Tour for "Fast and Furious Book Promotion." Davis will travel the blogosphere answering your questions and giving tips for individual success.
For registration and information on the Teleseminar go to http://www.askphildavis.com/. There is no cost for joining this call, but spots are limited.
It might be nice if you gave us the date of your Teleseminar. I would be delighted to alert my large list of authors and aspiring authors. Many of them are already pursuing self-publishing options.
Mindy Gibbins-Klein
The Book Midwife
Website Promotion" begins Web Promotion Services with directory and search engine submissions and natural search engine optimization. The process of website promotion should continue through the life of your website via continually getting quality links to your site, and continually updating content on and about your site through articles, blog entries, and forum entries.
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