You may be asking "What if I'm not a professional writer?" You can still write your professional book and start earning in a few months. I am convinced your audience is waiting on your insightful expertise to help solve their problems.
All it takes is a little know how to write your book like a pro. Start by solving your readers' problems using your expert knowledge. You know the articles, speeches and reports already in your files.
Expand one of your articles or speeches into a short book by adding short stories and some practical how-to steps. If you want to write your book like a pro and increase your income, read these five secrets and apply them:
1. Secret One. Write a short book first to build your confidence. I know short doesn't mean the same thing to every person. For books, let's agree 50-100 or so pages is short, even 140 sounds less intimidating than a 200-300 page book. Your future customers are busy and usually read only what takes the shortest amount of time. For example, a friend of mine wanted to learn how to conduct tele-seminars. He said he didn't hesitate buying a short book of 70 pages at $19.97 to help him learn the ropes of tele-seminars.
Make your book simpler, shorter, and punchier. Shorten your sentences, stories and analogies. Your professional format will include a strong heading (question) your reader needs answered and the answer. This professional formula presents the problem and solution quickly without a lot of words.
2. Secret Two. Focus on one topic in your book. It's a known fact bestsellers focus on one main topic. Focus on one topic then write each chapter to support that subject. When you overload your reader with information, you come across as disorganized, wordy and flat. Instead of including everything you know, stick to one how-to subject and include plenty of simple details with examples to make it useful to your reader.
3. Secret Three. Brand yourself, your business and your book. Think about the greatest benefit that you offer through your book or service. Consider your book and chapter titles. Now think about your keywords and headings on your website. Do you see a repeating word that stands out?
For example, the book "Win With the Writer Inside You" the author threads some form of "win" throughout her materials. Ever heard of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series? The title changes in its audience but the Chicken Soup brand stays the same. For example, there's a Chicken Soup for Teen-agers, Chicken Soup for Mothers, and so on.
4. Secret Four. Get a professional editor or book coach. Yes, its o.k. and you should get feedback from family, friends, local writing group, etc. But you need to get a professional viewpoint of your work to weed out the passive voice, bad grammar and all the things that slow your readers down to a standstill.
Copy that appeals to the emotions of your reader sell your books. Your future customers want word pictures that they can respond to with their emotions.
5. Secret Five. Target and get to know your audience. Let's face it not everyone will want to read your book. Most uninformed authors write what they feel is a great book; spend tons of time and sometimes money looking for people to buy it. Instead match your expert knowledge with an audience you can serve.
Consider their needs, problems and how you can help solve them. Business people are a hot audience right now. They are hungry and willing to buy what will improve, make profitable their life and business. Right now think of one to three preferred audiences in your area of expertise. Then write the book your customers will be looking for.
It's faster to write a book if you know how. People are looking for practical information and knowledge that you have. Don't let your ideas, knowledge and expertise fade away. Put it to work for you in a book. Remember, if you need help contact a professional book coach or take an e-course to inform yourself.
Earma Brown, 12 year author and business owner helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Earma mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine "iScribe." Send any email to iscribe@bookwritinghelp.com for free mini-course "Jumpstart Writing Your Book" or visit her at http://www.bookwritinghelp.com/
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