Members who want to self-publish using the CreateSpace Books on Demand service now have two options: they can continue to sign up at no charge using CreateSpace's Standard pricing plan, or they can take advantage of the new Pro Plan pricing model by paying a $50 one-time setup fee per title to gain access to increased royalty payments and deeply discounted print pricing. The program works on a title-by-title basis. Members can upgrade from Standard to Pro Plan at any time, allowing them to test demand for their book with Standard pricing and upgrade to Pro Plan pricing.
With both Standard and Pro Plan, CreateSpace members can distribute both black-and-white- and color-interior books on Amazon.com, their free CreateSpace eStore and their own website. Furthermore, members retain all copyrights to their work, set their own list price and have the option to use their own imprint name and ISBN or be assigned a free CreateSpace ISBN.
To find out more about CreateSpace Pro Plan pricing or to download a free price comparison calculator, go to http://www.createspace.com/Products/BooksPrices.jsp.
What this article doesn't say, is that this comes on the heels of a massive controversy and blogstorm that Amazon has created.
Read the article here:
Writer's Weekly Article about Amazon telling POD Publishers to go with BookSurge or Else
Lightning Source is better option than CreateSpace for authors with some tech savvy.
Working with Lightning Source requires the author to set up a publishing company (they do not work directly with authors), but this is not difficult. It also requires the author to use some technical know-how to create PDF versions of cover and interior. Setup fees come to $75 per book, but Lightning Source books allow for short discounts of 20%.
All books distributed through Lightning Source are automatically available on Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com and more. Printing costs are lower than CreateSpace as well.
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