The Book Bloggers will feature an ongoing series of interviews with book bloggers from all backgrounds and areas of expertise. The interviews will be based on a standard set of questions, compiled to extract information pertinent to review submission. Each blog will be categorized based on types of books reviewed and services offered. Authors, publicists, and publishers are encouraged to browse categories for potential reviewers that will be best suited to the needs of a particular marketing campaign.
“Increasingly, authors and publishers are recognizing the impact viral marketing can play on a book campaign,” says Williams. “Consequently, the internet has become saturated with reviewers, eager for the opportunity to become a part of this fabulous new partnership. Often, authors are forced to submit countless blind review queries due to lack of submission guidelines or time constraints placed on the ability to research and seek out these reviewers. The Book Bloggers can remedy this problem by providing one centralized database of potential candidates.”
It can also ease the strain of flooded inboxes for reviewers. Often, reviewers must sort through misdirected queries for books and services not relevant to their scope and audience. Giving authors tools to familiarize themselves with a particular reviewer before a wasted query is sent can provide relief to both parties.
Interested book bloggers can obtain an interview by emailing breenibooks@gmail.com. The standard interview questions are also posted on The Book Bloggers "About" page for speedier processing. One blog is featured per day, and interview scheduling is based on the order in which answers are received.
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