Barnes & Noble Studio's Blogging Booksellers
As a nod to customers' favorite book shopping experience - chatting with the sales staff about their favorite reads and recommendations - the Barnes & Noble Studio has created Blogging Booksellers, a program where Barnes & Noble booksellers from various stores around the country create and upload their own video blogs about their latest recommended reads and local store events.
Blogging Booksellers currently features 11 bloggers in nine cities across the country, with more to be added. Selected for their extraordinary passion and knowledge about books, the bloggers are tasked with creating short, entertaining, and informative videos, while giving a friendly face to their local stores. The video blogs, updated weekly, are filmed with user-friendly Flip cameras, offering a real-life and personalized account of recommended weekly reads, exciting news about local stores events, and other inside scoops from Barnes & Noble's stores and Barnes & Noble.com (www.bn.com).
Additionally, the "Store Locator" on Barnes & Noble.com now allows visitors to identify stores with Blogging Booksellers in residence - a unique way for consumers to find their local "celeb" bloggers. This journal-like view of the stores and their communities offers a personalized, insider's feel to Barnes & Noble, giving online users and store visitors alike a unique shopping experience. (www.barnesandnoble.com/blogging-booksellers)
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