"A combination of my name and the word 'books,' jexbo is the first company to offer self-published authors the opportunity to market and sell books online cost-effectively directly to buyers," says Exler. "Not only do users receive their own website page and bookmarks for marketing purposes, but readers can buy books in numerous categories and communicate directly with the self-published authors."
Quoted in The Detroit Free Press, Pink Magazine Online, StartupNation, and others, jexbo offers unique gifts for readers and many benefits for authors trying to sell self-published books:
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"Thank you for creating this much-needed site," says Todd Clements, author of Haunts of Mackinac Ghost Stories, Legends, and Tragic Tales of Mackinac Island. "I'll be one of the first to take advantage of all the cost-effective marketing benefits you provide for self-published authors."
New Book Release:
Sabrina's Story
Sabrina’s Story is a Heart Wrenching Fiction Story of a woman who was brought up in a dysfunctional abusive home. Not encouraged to embrace God, she was sexually fondled by a family member and a neighborhood girl while she was yet a baby. Sabrina taught herself to sell her singing talent in bars from age 9 by watching her siblings. Sabrina continues down a Pathway of becoming a childhood singer. Her father commits suicide and her step father sexually molests her. Sabrina battles bulimia, meth addiction, stripping, prostitution, abusive marriages, and a sadistic meth dealer boyfriend who plagues her to the very end. This story is of a tortured woman who finally receives salvation at the end of her life.
It is geared towards a secular audience but could also be read by Christian people if they can handle the sensitive nature.
Buy Here: http://www.publishamerica.net/product37075.html
New Book Release:
Sabrina's Story
Sabrina’s Story is a Heart Wrenching Fiction Story of a woman who was brought up in a dysfunctional abusive home. Not encouraged to embrace God, she was sexually fondled by a family member and a neighborhood girl while she was yet a baby. Sabrina taught herself to sell her singing talent in bars from age 9 by watching her siblings. Sabrina continues down a Pathway of becoming a childhood singer. Her father commits suicide and her step father sexually molests her. Sabrina battles bulimia, meth addiction, stripping, prostitution, abusive marriages, and a sadistic meth dealer boyfriend who plagues her to the very end. This story is of a tortured woman who finally receives salvation at the end of her life.
It is geared towards a secular audience but could also be read by Christian people if they can handle the sensitive nature.
Buy Here: http://www.publishamerica.net/product37075.html
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