Even those who still have a job are re-evaluating their priorities and, for many, that means dropping expensive leisure and entertainment activities and using the free time to work towards a desire to write and publish.
Saunderstown, RI resident, Lisa Tener, a book coach who serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical School's CME publishing course and offers private coaching in writing and publishing books, has only seen an increase in business since the downturn. "People are deciding it's time to focus their energies on the things they feel most passionate about," says Tener. "Many people want to feel more of a sense of purpose and excitement in the work they do."
Says Tener, "For some folks, writing a book is about fulfilling this lifelong dream. For others, like small business owners and solo practitioners, they see the book as an opportunity to set them apart from their competitors, to bring in more work and attract ideal clients." Many of them are looking for a writing coach or book coach to de-mystify the writing and publishing process and help their chances of getting published.
A Rhode Island teacher who doesn't know if she will have a job next year recently contacted Tener to help her understand the publishing process and help with her book proposal. "Taking the steps to get a publisher has empowered her so that she doesn't feel like a victim of fate, but rather is taking her destiny in her own hands and feeling excited about the possibilities in her future," say Tener.
Four of Tener's clients--a nationally recognized psychologist, a philanthropy consultant, an international mediator and a psychoanalyst and professor--are under contract with major publishing houses and three of those will have their books published in January of 2010. A handful of others have signed contracts with top agents.
Tener has several local offerings for Rhode Islanders this month who want to write a book, or just explore writing:
Express Yourself in Writing and Transform Your Life
An interactive presentation that is part of
Aspire Media's Inspiring Women Speaker Series
May 13, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Crowne Plaza, 801 Greenwich Ave. Warwick RI
Tickets: $30 advance; $35 at the door.
Group discounts available.
Registration and information: www.InspiringWomenSeries.com
Contact: Linda Joy Events@aspiremag.net; 508-265-7929
Write Your Book: First Draft, an 8 week course
Starting May 15, Fridays from 9:00 – 10:30 am
Sponsored by University Professional Development Center
237 Robinson Street, Wakefield, RI
Registration and Information: Tim Armstrong
Writing in the Zone
Free Workshop: May 7 6:30 pm
Half day workshop: May 16 12:30 – 4:00 pm
Sponsored by All That Matters
315 Main Street, Wakefield, RI
Information and registration: http://www.allthatmatters.com/, 401-782-2126
Kodak moment with Lisa! Wow!
I'm living proof the words you just read are alive.
Finding Lisa through a free course she offered at the International Association of Writers, I was shocked she responded quickly and with care to my email's.
The rest is history.
I can see the finish line now - my book will soon be in print!
Dreams can come true, and people like Lisa share time and talents to make them happen.
Go and do it!
I promise you will be most happy and grateful you did.
Share comments and wisdom at;
Do you have a book in your heart?
Then let it out! Start the journey on Wed. May 13 with Lisa as she shares her wisdom and knowledge and shows you the various ways writing can transform your life.
Join us this Wed. evening as Lisa brings out your writing muse with this inspiring, interactive event.
See you there!
Love, Light & Laughter
Linda Joy
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